In the PHYSICS group, we study thin layers, hetero- and periodic structures, individual or assemblies of biomolecules and of 0D/1D/2D materials of high interest for technological breakthroughs in electronics, optics, acoustics, opto-electronics and nanotechnology. We combine theoretical and experimental research in several directions:
– Structure and dynamical properties of materials
Thermodynamics and physical chemistry of nanostructured systems, macromolecular aggregates and biomolecules at finite temperature and pressure and under mechanical/chemical constraints, by means of computer simulations. The phenomena of interest range from strain relaxation in highly mismatched epitaxial systems, supramolecular ordering to interfacial adhesion and aggregation, microscopic mechanics and radiation damage in biomolecules.
– Transport, optoelectronic properties and theoretical studies of semiconductor nanostructures
Growth and structural characterization nanostructures on various substrates. Experimental and theoretical spectroscopy studies of zero-dimensional (0D) semiconductor nanostructures to assess their electrical, electronic, optical and photovoltaic properties at the level of individual nanoparticles, including scanning probe (STM, AFM/EFM/KPFM) and low-temperature transport properties of III-V nanowires. Theoretical investigation of the structural, electronic and heat transport of 1D nanostructures of interest for ultimate electronic devices.
– Phononics/phoXonics, plasmonics, and nano-acoustics in micro and nanostuctured materials
Theory of acoustic wave propagation in phononic crystal slabs and of the phonon-photon interaction in phoXonic cavities and waveguides. Theoretical propagation and filtering of surface plasmon polaritons in metal-insulator-metal waveguides; localized surface plasmon resonance of arrays of nanostructures for biosensing applications. Experimental mechanical characterization on thin films and vibrations of nanoscale objects using picosecond acoustics.
– History of Physics and Applied Sciences & Technology
Inquiring Historical Foundations of Sciences, Methods and Scientific Though. Periods: Antiquity, Early/Birth of Modern Science, 18th–21st. Disciplines: Physics, Physics–Mathematics, Physics–Chemistry, Logics. Main Areas: History of Physics | History of Applied Sciences & Technology | Science–Society | Historical Epistemology of Science | Intellectual History & Ideas | Comparative History. Historical subjects, Non–Limited to: Modelling Physics–Mathematics Relationship | Mathematical Approaches to Physics | Applied Science & Machines | Galileo–Newton | Carnots | Faraday–Maxwell | Black Body Radiation & QM | Nanotechnology | Logical Organization & Structures.
The PHYSICS group is organised into five teams:
- Physics of Waves, Nanostructures and Interfaces [EPHONI].
- The physics of nanostructures and quantum devices [PNQD]
- Nanomaterials and soft matter [NAMASTE].
- Nanoacoustics [NANOACOUSTICS]
- History of physics and applied sciences and technology [HOPAST].
The PHYSICS group develops its experimental activities within the framework of the facilities of the IEMN technical platforms.
The group leader is Fabrizio CLERI and the deputy leader is Pascale DIENER. Contact details:,