IEMN Laboratory - UMR 8520
Avenue Henry Poincare
+33 (0)3 20 19 78 65


- Thesis title. High-performance non-reciprocal devices for THz and MIR frequencies

- Thesis starting date. 01/10/2014

- Thesis topic. There is currently no solution to protect coherent THz and MIR (such as quantum cascade laser) sources from destabilizing feedback. Such an isolating functionality is essential for an increasing number of applications, where high spectral purity and stable power levels play a central role. We have recently experimentally demonstrated a one-way magnetoplasmonic mirror for NIR frequencies: a properly designed grating on a magneto-optical active substrate reflects perfectly for one incidence direction and absorbs totally for the opposite one. We will perform a fundamental study of nonreciprocal effects using MIR magnetoplasma resonances in small gap semiconductors (InAs, InSb) and ferromagnetic resonances at mm-wave frequencies in hexaferrites. The goal is to prove experimentally that the one-way mirror concept can be exploited to realize a competitive isolator for the MIR and THz range.


- Publications

[1] T. Horák, G. Ducournau, M. Mičica, K. Postava, J. Ben-Youssef, J.-F. Lampin, M. Vanwolleghem. "Free-space Characterization of Magneto-optical Hexaferrites in the Millimeter-Wave Range". IEEE Trans. Tera. Scien. Techn. (under review)


- Conference proceedings

[2] Horak, T., Vanwolleghem, M., Ducournau, G., Postava, K., Kolejak, P., Lampin, J.-F. "Magneto-optical hexaferrites for terahertz isolating applications". International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, 2016-November, art. no. 7758377.
[3] Stepanenko, O., Horak, T., Chochol, J., Postava, K., Lampin, J.-F., Vanwolleghem, M. "Compact mid-IR isolator using nonreciprocal magnetoplasmonic InSb mirror". International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz, 2016-November, art. no. 7758556.
[4] Mičica, M., Postava, K., Vanwolleghem, M., Horák, T., Lampin, J.F., Pištora, J. "Terahertz material characterization for nonreciprocal integrated optics." Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 9516, art. no. 951615,