Doctoral studies at IEMN
The IEMN is attached to the Doctoral School Engineering and Systems Sciences (ENGSYS-632), from the University of Lille, in the field of "Micro and Nanotechnologies, Acoustics and Telecommunications" (MNTAT).
Director of Doctoral Studies for the field :
Doctoral School website
In addition to the training courses offered by the Doctoral School, the laboratory has set up several initiatives for the animation and promotion of doctoral studies :
A Doctoral Students' Day (see the PowerPoint of the day 2021)
At the start of each academic year, we organise an IEMN-DOC induction day for new doctoral students.
Meeting and exchanges between doctoral students
Poster session 2nd year PhD students present their 1st year work
Visit of the laboratory by 3rd year PhD students
The National Days of the Doctoral Network in Micro-Nanoelectronics allow young researchers to present their work (Program of the 21st edition in Montpellier).
Annual event organized by the doctoral students themselves
The IEMN Practical Guide new entrants
Please note!
A number of PhD students share their time between the lab, an engineering school or and one of IEMN's many industrial partners (STMicroelectronics, THALES...) or are involved in startups.
Seminars covering the whole spectrum of studies conducted at the IEMN are regularly organized. They can be given by specialists from outside the laboratory.
The Journée STARTDOC2020, organisée par le Doctoral College.
This day is for 1st year PhD students.