Acoustics and integrated systems
The acoustic activities of the IEMN concern more particularly the field of active materials and ultrasonic techniques associated with signal processing techniques.
The advanced research conducted is based on skills and know-how accumulated over more than 30 years in the field of ultrasound and its interaction with matter, but also on the multidisciplinary resources that make the wealth of the IEMN and its significant technological potential. These last two points offer a particularly favorable ground to the opening of new directions of work in ultrasound that the IEMN seeks to exploit in particular.
The work carried out covers both the upstream aspects of fundamental research in the field, as well as technological innovations at the level of components and systems, and also the developments of R & D related to the expression of industrial needs.
Thus, the topics addressed concern the development of new approaches:
- innovative phase conjugation systems
- treatment techniques for integrated health monitoring
- the CND
- transducer networks
- the characterization of massive or thin film type complex media
- development of piezoelectric and giant magnetostriction active materials and films
- development of acousto-electronic components (sensors, radio-frequency filters)
of functional electronics - microsystems (PMUT transducers, microactuators, flying microsystems...).