Graduated in Materials engineering by the Federal University of Paraiba in Brazil with a master in Industrial Engineering by Grenoble INP. Doctor pf Philosophy in Physics of semiconductors by the University of Paris-Saclay. My doctorate work concerns the advanced X-Ray metrology dedicated to the new chalcogenide layered materials for the semiconductor industry. Agreed by the University of Paris-Saclay, my work was developed at the institute for electronics and information technologies (LETI) at French atomic energy commission (CEA) in Grenoble.
Currently, Post-doctorate researcher working in the elaboration of hetero-structured 2D-materials by the Flag-era 2d Hetero project. This work concerns the development of a Graphene and Hexagonal Boron Nitride hetero-structure grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy.
My main technical expertise: PVD, MOCVD, MBE, 2D materials, chalcogenides, WDXRF, XPS, XRR, GIXRF, MEB
My passions: language, capoeira (Brazilian martial art), creation of musical effects by modulating sounds between 150 and 180 bpm, and currently back to my russian course language in order to finish my Trans-Siberian adventure, once the pandemic period is over.
IEMN Laboratory - UMR 8520
Avenue Henry Poincaré
59652 VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ+33 (0)3 20 19 78 65