Le groupe Micro et Nano Systèmes (NAM6) développe une expertise de renommée internationale depuis de nombreuses années, principalement dans le domaine du micro-actionnement, des micro-capteurs, des dispositifs résonants et des principes de transduction. L’objectif principal du groupe NAM6 est de relever des défis pour établie un nouvel état de l’art dans le domaine des micro-et nano- systèmes électromécaniques (MEMS et NEMS) en poursuivant une stratégie en trois volets:
- benefit from the synergy between the skills and know-how of the group members and the IEMN environment in applied physics, electronic components, scientific instrumentation, modeling, technological processes, micro-nano-fabrication, and electrical characterization
- define research orientations and objectives based on a pragmatic balance between technological and scientific considerations and application issues;
- address research themes ranging from fundamental understanding and physical modeling, to device fabrication and evaluation, to system integration and potential technology transfer.
Using IEMN's clean room technology, micro- and nano-manufacturing and machining technologies were used to explore and convert the physical effects and properties of materials into devices and microsystems for applications.
Main topics :
- Innovative Micro and Nanofabrication
- Gallium Nitride MEMS
- Probes for AFM microscopy based on MEMS with integrated transducers
- Probes for multimodal measurements
- Instrumentation combining RF, MEMS and near field
- MEMS formicrowave optomechanics