A long-standing partnership with high added value for research
A large number of students from engineering schools are welcomed each year at IEMN to which they naturally turn to complete their 4th and 5 year projects and to familiarize themselves with research and technology development.
Four leading engineering schools have had a special partnership with IEMN for many years. Junia and Centrale Lille are IEMN's parent schools. Polytech Lille and the ENSIAME are university public schools.
Junia ISEN: a major digital school, a research actor at the IEMN
Junia ISEN is one of the founding members of the IEMN. The ISEN (Institut Supérieur de l'Électronique et du Numérique) engineering program asserts a vocation of training, research and valorization, with a sharp approach in nanotechnologies.
This enables many students to carry out their study project within our teams. The ISEN programme also fosters close links between students and research professors who are keen to pass on their research.
From JUNIA, two gateways to IEMN are possible for students:
- Through the General Engineering Training.
- In particular the BioNanoTechs professional field.
- And the eHealth professional field.
- By the conventioned Masters. Indeed, Junia Lille has established partnerships with masters programs at the University of Lille:
- The MRT (Master Networks and Telecommunications) with its two Telecom and Syscom tracks
- The Master Nanoscience and Nanotechnology E-TECH
Students in the BioNanoTechs field can complete their M2 year in these Masters and obtain a double degree.
In addition, 9-week M1 projects are set up between September and March for groups of students at the IEMN.
Centrale Lille, IEMN's parent school: training engineers for research
Centrale Lille, a member of the Écoles Centrale intergroup, the one of the oldest engineering schools in France, located on the scientific campus of the University of Lille, is a public institution of higher education and research that trains engineers of high scientific and technical level.
From Centrale Lille, two entry points to the IEMN are possible for students:
In addition, 3rdyear integration projects, are set up between September and March for groups of students on internship at the IEMN.
General engineering training
It is a 3-year course, after Bac + 2. In this curriculum, the SEI (Intelligent Systems and Environments) theme in the 3rd year is linked to the IEMN. This theme is declined in 2 courses in which researchers and teacher-researchers of our laboratory intervene:
- on the hardware side, SIC (Interactive Systems and Advanced Communications) focused on hardware, physics, sensors, electronics, ...)
- on the software side, the SEC (Embedded Systems and Cyberphysics) focused on software
Co-accredited Masters
Centrale Lille has co-accreditation for ULille's M2 Masters:
- the MRT (Master Networks and Telecommunications) with its two tracks Telecom and Syscom
- the Master Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies E-TECH:
Centrale Lille's link with the laboratory is fostered by many projects supervised by IEMN research faculty. The projects vary during the course of the same curriculum and according to the needs. We will find:
- Supervised practical work or mini-projects with the objective of manufacturing an object by carrying out the entire chain from design to characterization
- long R & D type projects, multidisciplinary, with precise specifications.
- Exploratory projects to discover means of characterization or immerse themselves in research.
Polytech'Lille: a networked university engineering school
The school Polytech Lille is located at the heart of the leading French network of university engineering schools. This network includes 15 schools under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation that deliver engineering degrees recognized by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur.
Five research clusters are offered, some of which are closely related to the Masters programs set up at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Lille or to the research thematics of the IEMN: Biological and Food Engineering, Physical Chemistry and Molecular and Material Sciences, Mathematics and Modeling, Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies, and Mechanical and Civil Engineering.
The Lille establishment has eight departments, three of which are more specifically linked to the IEMN:
- Computer Science-Microelectronics-Automatics (IMA)
- Materials Science
- Instrumentation and Commercialization of Measurement Systems (IC2M)
Please note:
- All engineering specialties are accessible through work-study programs: apprenticeship, in continuing education in the form of a professionalization contract in the final year, or through validation of prior learning (VAE). These schemes strengthen the link between the school and companies.
- Many students enrolled in IC2M complete a research internship at IEMN in the 4th or 5th year. An option in the final year allows students to make a link with the health professions by preparing a double degree with the ILIS (Institut Lillois d'Ingénierie de la Santé).
For schooling, several options are available:
- A two year post-baccalaureate course to discover the various engineering professions and then move on to one of the specialties offered by the fifteen schools in the network
- 8 engineering courses from Bac + 3 to Bac + 5, four of which are accessible through apprenticeships
ENSIAME, at the forefront of research into the transport of the future
The ENSIAME (École Nationale Supérieure d'Ingénieurs en Informatique Automatique Mécanique Énergétique et Électronique) is a public engineering school recognized by the Commission des titres d'ingénieur (CTI) since 1979. Authorized by the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, it is attached to the Polytechnic University of Hauts de France and is a partner in the INSA Group (National Institute of Applied Sciences), which brings together several national engineering training and research institutes. It is a internationally oriented school, which benefits from the European Accreditation for Engineering (EUR-ACE) label. Issued by the CTI, this label recognizes a certain number of professional skills that comply with European standards. Its geographical location places ENSIAME at the crossroads of Northern Europe, in the heart of a region with a cultural and industrial tradition, close to the main European capitals.
ENSIAME is close to the Opto-Acousto-Electronics department which has been an integral part of IEMN since its inception in 1992. Located on campus, the DOAE is a full component of the Polytechnic University.
The school offers five specialties of engineering training for which it has obtained the I-Trans label from the global competitiveness cluster for sustainable ground transportation. These specialties are therefore oriented towards the fields of energy and the automotive, aeronautical and rail industries. The courses go up to Bac + 6 to train in transport expertise and they are accessible either by the generalist route or by the apprenticeship route.
- Mechanics and Energetics
- Mechatronics
- Computer Science and Industrial Engineering
Vwaythrough apprenticeship or in continuing education :
- Industrial Engineering
- Electrical engineering and industrial computing
Please note !
Two Master's degrees are offered with the university directly related to the theme of transportation:
- a Master's degree Rail and Urban Transport Systems, offered jointly by ENSIAME and École des Ponts Paris-Tech. Part of the teaching takes place in the Paris region, at École des Ponts and UTC Compiègne (University of Technology), the other part at ENSIAME.
- a International Master in Transport and Energyincluding part of the teaching in English and the development of projects with industrialists
- In 2018, the I-Trans cluster, which founded the ERCI (Eurailclusters) network of European clusters, is organising phase 1 of the European Innovation Contest rail
The individualization of paths is a la carte:
- a double degree can be obtained in one of ENSIAME's partner schools or universities in France or abroad
- an integrated curriculum to complete part of the schooling at a partner school or university even abroad
- project platforms that bring together students from several disciplines with industry experts
- Validation of a "taking responsibility" module that highlights cultural, charitable, or sports actions
- a University Technological Research degree (DRTu) may be performed entirely in an industrial setting
Testimony of four ISEN engineering students at the IEMN
The project of Justin Hannebicq, Ugo Parmentier, Nathan Flipo and Olivier Muneret, engineering students, has been realized within the framework of the course "nanoelectronics and micro-mecha-tronics" of ISEN-Lille. This course is a double-degree training ISEN-Lille / Faculty of Sciences and Techniques of Lille (Master SYSCOM).
It is around biotechnologies that Ugo Parmentier built his 4thyear projects; first, in a partnership IEMN - CHRU de Lille for the design of a microfluidic chip for the study of colon cancer ; second, in a partnership with the Lille Biological Institute (IBL), the Pasteur Institute and the IEMN, for the design of a microfluidic chip for the study of a parasite from Africa called Schistosoma Mansoni.
For his senior project, he was joined by two other classmates around a topic with numerous applications in nanoscience: the design of a tunneling microscope controller.
The IEMN brings together instruments at the forefront of world research in this field and is a unique playground for passionate researchers, engineers and students. Supervised by Maxime Berthe, research engineer, and Yannick Lambert, teacher-researcher, they have entered the heart of experimental research in nanoscience and nanotechnology by designing this electronic controller that literally allows piloting the exploration of the nanoworld. The originality of their project is the use of a connected box to deploy the experimental possibilities of the instruments to the outside of the laboratory. It is a system programmed by the LabVIEW language for which ISEN students have validated the CLAD (Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer) certification through Labview Academy.
Concretely, they therefore developed a LabVIEW program integrated into a MyRio box that allows a computer and an STM (scanning tunnelling microscope) to communicate via Wifi and, to do so, they learned how to configure an interface for the user. Thanks to their double curriculum as students at ISEN and following Master courses at the university, they were able to take advantage of two days of presence at IEMN per week.
They also produced a poster that highlights the achievement and purpose of their work in a perfectly didactic way. Poster "The Embedded STM Controller" that was presented to first-year students during a week dedicated to showcasing projects in their school.
They are very happy with the partnership with IEMN because they have benefited from "true expertise."
And the idea is germinating to continue the adventure at IEMN to enhance this work. To be continued ... !
For a complete presentation of the engineering profession: