Interaction with social, economic, and cultural environment
R&D with industry
During the period 2013-2018, IEMN has currently 11 on-going R&D contracts with companies of various dimension. Semi-conductors, textile, biotechnologies and energy are the industrial sectors in which those activities take place. Such kind of contract is something IEMN tried to develop and the creation of the SATT helps to fulfill this goal. 14 SATT supported projects are hosted.
Cifre grants
25 'ANRT - CIFRE' contracts were signed during the period 2013-2018. Twelve of them, with STMicroelectronics in the frame of the common laboratory IEMN_STM, concern the field of silicon based advanced processes and mm wave/THz characterization of devices and IC's. Five theses with Thales mainly treat the two main topics of GaN based power devices and THz technologies. The other thesis works are performed with the following companies (topic, site): MC2 (THz, Villeneuve d'Ascq), PFI Nouvelles Vagues (seafood industry, Boulogne sur Mer), Embisphere - Decathlon Group (RFID, Marcq en Baroeul), SAVERGLASS (glass, France), BIOmedica (Medical analysis, France), Horiba Group (Raman instrumentation, Villeneuve d'Ascq).