A new article in Semiconductor today magazine (December 2024) on the work of Youssef Hamdaoui
Congratulations to Youssef Hamdaoui who defended his PhD thesis entitled "Development of Novel GaN-on-Silicon Vertical Power Devices" that was part of the EU project YesVGaN
This journey has been a rewarding experience, and I'm deeply grateful to my supervisors, colleagues, family, and friends for their support. I would also like to thank the YesVGaN project for its valuable support throughout this work. I look forward to continuing this exciting research adventure and contributing to the scientific community.
Congratulations to Elodie Carneiro who defended her PhD thesis entitled « Optimization of GaN-on-Si Technology for RF Power Applications » that was part of an industrial collaboration between ou lab and the start-up EasyGAN
« I would like to thank my supervisors, colleagues, family, and friends, who participated in the completion of this work and supported me throughout this adventure. These past three years have been rich in learning and have allowed me to meet wonderful people. I look forward to continuing my research and making further contributions to this innovative field. »
A new article in Compound Semiconductor’s magazine (March 2024) on the work of Youssef Hamdaoui : our doctoral student in WIND’s group

Congratulations to Youssef HAMDAOUI for the Best Poster Award !
His work on the « Development of Vertical GaN on Silicon power devices » has been recognized with the Best Poster Award during the Materials and Electrical Energy (MEDEE) event.
Wide bandgap power at silicon cost
Avalanche breakdown capability has been demonstrated for GaN-on-Si devices. A big step forward for the YESvGaN project!
Read the results here: https://lnkd.in/ezTfbHtyCongratulations to Youssef HAMDAOUI (CNRS, IEMN), Idriss ABID (CNRS, IEMN), Sondre Michler (Siltronic AG), Katir Ziouche (CNRS, IEMN) and Farid Medjdoub (CNRS, IEMN)
La section Electronique du Club EEA délivre son prix de Thèse à Kathia Harrouche
La section Electronique du Club EEA délivre son prix de thèse 2023 à : Kathia Harrouche, pour sa thèse « Design and fabrication of GaN-based millimeter-wave field effect transistors », sous la direction de Farid Medjdoub de l’IEMN.
La remise du prix s’est faite lors du congrès du Club EEA les 22 et 23 juin 2023. Ce prix de thèse, obtenu parmi des candidatures d’excellente qualité, récompense un travail de recherches appliquées qui répond à des enjeux actuels importants. Ces travaux proposent, en effet, des solutions innovantes qui peuvent être mises en œuvre pour résoudre des limitations critiques des transistors à base de GaN fonctionnant à très haute fréquence (> 40 GHz), ouvrant ainsi la voie à des performances sans précédent sur la gamme d’ondes millimétriques.
Il est intéressant de noter que la technologie développée est en cours de transfert industriel au travers d’un projet Européen. Un procédé de fabrication partagé avec la fonderie Franco-Allemande UMS a notamment été développé au sein des plateformes avancées de l’IEMN permettant de générer des circuits intégrés représentatifs des applications visées à base de cette nouvelle technologie.
A new article in Compound Semiconductor’s magazine (Volume 29) on the work of elodie CANEIRO : our doctoral student in WIND’s group

The groupe WIND est apparu dans les « highlights 2021 » du journal APEX (Applied Physics Express) dans la rubrique Device processing, fabrication and measurement technologies, and instrumentation, pour notre article en Open Access : " GaN-on-silicon transistors with reduced current collapse and improved blocking voltage by means of local substrate removal« , Idriss Abid et al 2021 Appl. Phys. Express 14 036501
Congratulation to Idriss Abid, Renatech thesis award winner, who presented the technological results of his thesis during the CNano_national conference.
The thesis was on new electronic components based on AlN material for future power applications

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