- In France :
- P. Blanchard, J. Roncali, CNRS, Moltech-Anjou, U. Angers
- O. Siri for the synthesis of molecular switches, CINAM, Marseille
- T. Mallah, P. Yu for the synthesis of PBA and diarylethene, ICMMO, Orsay
- A. Proust, F. Volatron for the synthesis of polyoxometallates, IPCM, Paris
- B. Fabre for the molecular functionalisation of TMDs, Inst. Chemistry, Univ Rennes
- L. Buée for biology, JPArc Lab, INSERM, Lille
- R. Mattana, P. Seneor for molecular spintronics, A. Fert, Palaiseau
- A. Carella for polymer synthesis, CEA-LITEN, Grenoble
- R. Demadrille for polymer synthesis, CEA-INAC, Grenoble
- A. Revaux for the doping of organic materials, CEA-LITEN, Grenoble
- K. Costuas, S. Rigaut for thermoelectric junctions based on organometallic molecules, Inst. Chemistry, Univ Rennes
- D. Duché, IM2NP, Marseille
- O. Margeat, B. Sciacca, CINAM, Marseille
- D. Gigmes for plasmonics and molecular rectenna. ICR, Marseille
- H. Klein single molecule junction, CINam, Marseille
- J.M. Portal for CMOS design, Aix Marseille University
- At international level :
- D. Drouin, J. Rouat for neuromorphic computation, LN2, Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada
- J. Cornil, C. van Dyck for electronic transport calculations, LCNM, U. Mons, Belgium
- M. Calame for graphene integration, EMPA & Basel University, Switzerland
- Y. Geerts molecule synthesis, Lab. Polymer Chemistry, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- C. Nijhuis for plasmonics, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- A. Pospelov for the sensors, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine