Research Highlights
- AFM imagery above 10MHz with vibrating bulk-mode MEMS resonators
- Novel PDMS/SU8 process for flexible devices (See journal cover)
- Creation of Vmicro SAS start-up company and release of a new family of silicon vertical AFM Probes
- First miniaturized ground-signal-ground (GSG) microwave probes based on batch fabricated MEMS (see journal cover)
- First GaN micro-nano-resonators on ultrathin heterostructures
- First evidence the rectifying behavior of FcC11SH molecules grafted on Au nanodots demonstrated by Scanning Microwave AFM up to 17 GHz (coll NCM group)
Main contracts :
Europeans grants :
- FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN, NANOMICROWAVE, January 2013 - December 2016
- H2020-NMBP-07-2017, MMAMA, November 2017 - October 2020,
Academic grants
- ANR- 14-CE35-0033, VACSMM, 2014 -2018
- ANR-10-NANO-0021, FREELANCE, 2013-2018
- ANR-17-CE24-0005, TRAMP, 2018-2022
- ANR-16-CE09-0023, TIPTOP, 2018
- ANR-11-ASTR-0037, AMGASI, 2013-2015
- ANR-10-NANB-04, VIBBNANO, 2012-2016
- ANR-12-EMMA-0039, VIBRATIONS, 2013-2015
- ANR-17-CE09-0036, NEMSGAN, 2018
- ANR-14-CE26-0019, OLYMPIA, 2014-2019
- ANR 11-LABX-0014, GANEX,2013-2018,
- ANR 11-EQPX-0015, EXCELSIOR, 2013-2019
- ANR 11-EQPX-0025, LEAF, 2013-2018
- Univ Lille STARTAIRR, TERSTIPS, 2015