Jean-Francois LAMPIN
Research Director
IEMN Laboratory - UMR 8520
Avenue Henri Poincaré
59652 Villeneuve d'Ascq
+33 (0)3 20 19 79 11
J.-F. Lampin received the Engineering degree from the Institut Supérieur d’Electronique du Nord, Lille, France in 1994, and the PhD degree from Lille University in 1997. He was a post-doctoral researcher with the Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée, Palaiseau France, where he was involved in the study of electron relaxation using pump-probe techniques based on femtosecond lasers. Since 1998 he is a Research Scientist with the Institute of Electronics Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), Villeneuve d’Ascq, France. Since 2015 he is CNRS Research Director. Since almost 20 years his research activities concern THz generation and detection via optical and electronic ways: subpicosecond lifetime semiconductors, THz generation/detection with femtosecond lasers, THz devices characterization, photomixing with ultrafast photodiodes, THz transmission lines and antennas, THz lasers. He is also involved in THz applications: spectroscopy, telecommunications and near-field optical microscopy. Since 1994 he has published and co-authored more than 150 journal and conference papers, and 4 patents.
Current research interests
– Quantum cascade lasers pumped THz molecular lasers
– Photoconductive and spintronic THz generation and detection
– THz and mid-IR scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM)
Five selected publications
[1] S. Tammaro, O. Pirali, P. Roy, J.-F. Lampin, G. Ducournau, A. Cuisset, F. Hindle, and G. Mouret. High density terahertz frequency comb produced by coherent synchrotron radiation. Nature Communications, 6, 2015.
[2] G. Ducournau, P. Szriftgiser, A. Beck, D. Bacquet, F. Pavanello, E. Peytavit, M. Zaknoune, T. Akalin, and J.-F. Lampin. Ultrawide-bandwidth single-channel 0.4-Thz wireless link combining broadband quasi-optic photomixer and coherent detection. Terahertz Science and Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 4(3):328–337, 2014.
[3] E. Peytavit, P. Latzel, F. Pavanello, G. Ducournau, and J.-F. Lampin. CW source based on photomixing with output power reaching 1.8 mW at 250 GHz. IEEE electron device letters, 34(10):1277–1279, 2013.
[4] A. Pagies, G. Ducournau, and J.-F. Lampin. Low-threshold terahertz molecular laser optically pumped by a quantum cascade laser. Applied Physics Letters Photonics 1, 031302, 2016.
[5] L. Thomas, T. Hannotte, C. N. Santos, B. Walter, M. Lavancier, S. Eliet, M. Faucher, J.-F. Lampin, and R. Peretti, Imaging of THz Photonic Modes by Scattering Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022 14 (28), 32608-32617