IEMN – Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie Univsersité de Lille – Avenue Poincaré – Villeneuve d’Ascq PROGRAM An international workshop on gradient-index metasurfaces will be organized by the departments of Micro and Nano Optoelectronics (MNO-dept), Physics and Acoustics of IEMN in October 2018. It will aim at presenting the current status in the […]
Nous recherchons un ingénieur ou docteur en conception de systèmes électroniques embarqués pour des applications textiles connectées (voir lien ci-dessous) Offre emploi Autonotex Contact : Antoine Frappé
Congratulations to Cristian ! He defended his Ph.D. work on November 23rd on “Highly-Parallel Digital RF Transmitters with Switch-Mode Power Amplifier and Embedded Band Filter in 28nm FD-SOI CMOS” Knock if you would like more info !
Congrats to Thierno-Moussa Bah who received the “Best Presentation Award” of symposium M for his contribution entitled “Benefits of a nano-patterned thin silicon film based thermoelectric generator” ! See the abstract here…abstract_e_mrs_final2017
Subject : Study and demonstration of highly-integrated FDSOI CMOS digital transmitters for emerging 802.11ah IoT standards The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) communication markets demand wireless networking standards that operate in the sub-1 GHz spectrum, providing long-range and low-power operation, such as 802.11ah and 802.11af. In the collaborative works ST-IEMN, digital transmitters has been recently […] 17:00:242018-05-07 11:42:52CIFRE PhD position with STMicroelectronics
Projets remarquables de @yncrea_hdf catégorie recherche : Autonotex, un drap d’hôpital connecté pour un meilleur suivi du patient 👏🏼 Yncréa HautsdeFrance (@yncrea_hdf) 3 février 2017 16:58:442018-05-28 12:13:42Le projet AUTONOTEX mis à l’honneur
Cristian Marin obtained the second prize from the Research Council at the “Université Catholique de Lille”, in which the goal is to derive the societal impact of the PhD work. He is working on digital transmitters and would like to improve embedded devices so that we are not running out of battery (but this shouldn’t […] 16:52:112018-05-07 11:44:39Cristian Marin : Second prize of the Research Council of the Catholic University de Lille
Valeria Lacatena will defend her PhD work “Fabrication And Thermal Conductivity Characterization Of Phononic Engineered Silicon Membranes For Thermoelectric Applications” June 1st at 10:30 in the IEMN amphitheater. You are welcome to join this event to encourage her ! Jury : M. Lionel BUCHAILLOT, Directeur de recherche CNRS, IEMN Mme. Sylvie HEBERT, Directeur de recherche […]
Great panel for a very nice workshop on “disruptive transceivers for next generation wireless access” during IWS 2016 in Shanghai. Hope you enjoyed !! The workshop was organized by Yann Deval and François Rivet from University of Bordeaux and included presentations by Ramesh Harjani (University of Minnesota), Patrick Reyneart (KU Leuven), Yoan Veyrac (University of […]
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Workshop : Gradient Resonant Array Devices In Electro-magnetic-acoustic Nano Technologies
IEMN – Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie Univsersité de Lille – Avenue Poincaré – Villeneuve d’Ascq PROGRAM An international workshop on gradient-index metasurfaces will be organized by the departments of Micro and Nano Optoelectronics (MNO-dept), Physics and Acoustics of IEMN in October 2018. It will aim at presenting the current status in the […]
Offre d’emploi Conception de systèmes électroniques
Nous recherchons un ingénieur ou docteur en conception de systèmes électroniques embarqués pour des applications textiles connectées (voir lien ci-dessous) Offre emploi Autonotex Contact : Antoine Frappé
Razvan-Cristian Marin defended his Ph.D. thesis
Congratulations to Cristian ! He defended his Ph.D. work on November 23rd on “Highly-Parallel Digital RF Transmitters with Switch-Mode Power Amplifier and Embedded Band Filter in 28nm FD-SOI CMOS” Knock if you would like more info !
“Best Presentation Award” for Thierno at eMRS Varsaw !
Congrats to Thierno-Moussa Bah who received the “Best Presentation Award” of symposium M for his contribution entitled “Benefits of a nano-patterned thin silicon film based thermoelectric generator” ! See the abstract here…abstract_e_mrs_final2017
CIFRE PhD position with STMicroelectronics
Subject : Study and demonstration of highly-integrated FDSOI CMOS digital transmitters for emerging 802.11ah IoT standards The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) communication markets demand wireless networking standards that operate in the sub-1 GHz spectrum, providing long-range and low-power operation, such as 802.11ah and 802.11af. In the collaborative works ST-IEMN, digital transmitters has been recently […]
Le projet AUTONOTEX mis à l’honneur
Projets remarquables de @yncrea_hdf catégorie recherche : Autonotex, un drap d’hôpital connecté pour un meilleur suivi du patient 👏🏼 Yncréa HautsdeFrance (@yncrea_hdf) 3 février 2017
Cristian Marin : Second prize of the Research Council of the Catholic University de Lille
Cristian Marin obtained the second prize from the Research Council at the “Université Catholique de Lille”, in which the goal is to derive the societal impact of the PhD work. He is working on digital transmitters and would like to improve embedded devices so that we are not running out of battery (but this shouldn’t […]
Valeria Lacatena PhD defence June 1st
Valeria Lacatena will defend her PhD work “Fabrication And Thermal Conductivity Characterization Of Phononic Engineered Silicon Membranes For Thermoelectric Applications” June 1st at 10:30 in the IEMN amphitheater. You are welcome to join this event to encourage her ! Jury : M. Lionel BUCHAILLOT, Directeur de recherche CNRS, IEMN Mme. Sylvie HEBERT, Directeur de recherche […]
IEEE International Wireless Symposium 2016
Great panel for a very nice workshop on “disruptive transceivers for next generation wireless access” during IWS 2016 in Shanghai. Hope you enjoyed !! The workshop was organized by Yann Deval and François Rivet from University of Bordeaux and included presentations by Ramesh Harjani (University of Minnesota), Patrick Reyneart (KU Leuven), Yoan Veyrac (University of […]