Current research subjects
- Biomass Pyrolysis for Biochar as a potential strategy for carbon sequestration
- Black glass for electromagnetic wave absorbers
- Synthesis and characterization of glasses and ceramics from pre-ceramic polymers
- Sol-gel derived oxycarbide glasses (Si-C-O)
- Determination of thermodynamic and kinetic properties for a wide range of temperatures and pressures.
Former research subjects
- growth mechanisms and characterization of semiconductor nanowires obtained via S(V)LS (Solid- Vapour-Liquid-Solid) processes using CVD
- the development of organometallic pre-ceramic polymers for SiC, Si3N4, SiCN and BN ceramics.
- carbon and ceramics fibers
- elaboration of ceramic nanocomposite materials based on Si3N4 / SiC
- nanocomposite ceramic powder production by laser-induced gas-phase reactions
- thermal stability of nanopowders
- wet chemical preparation routes for dispersion of sintering additives
CNRS research Director; she received her PhD in catalysis-applied chemistry from the University of Poitiers (France). After she had finished her post-doctoral work at Gaz De France (GDF La Plaine Saint-Denis), she became a permanent researcher at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 1988 at the university of Limoges, France. In Limoges, where she obtained her habilitation, her research activities were focused on a variety of methods for generating nanostructure materials ranging from Sol-Gel techniques to laser pyrolysis or thermal conversion of organic polymers or organometallic precursors into advanced silicon-based ceramic materials.
She worked at several institutes (Institut Français du Pétrole in 1986, Imperial College in 2001, UAH-NASA-Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville-USA between 2002-2004).
She joined the EPIPHY group at IEMN in France in October 2004. At present, she is working on a variety of approaches for carbon-enriched ceramic materials production and characterization, for electromagnetic wave absorbers that can operate at high temperatures and in harsh atmosphere.
Contact : Phone : + 33 (0) 320 197 836