Ongoing research projects
- h-BN growth under ultra-high vaccuum conditions
- graphene growth by molecular beam epitaxy, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
Former studies
- graphene growth by SiC graphitisation
- CVD of graphene on metals
- photoluminescence in metamorphic III-V heterostructures with Sb
- real-time flux measurements in molecular beam epitaxy
- photoluminescence study of arsenide and antimonide heterostructure interfaces
- electron lifetime measurements and saturable absorption in heavily p-doped InGaAs and GaAsSb
- growth and characterization of diamond films obtained by gas source molecular beam epitaxy
- conduction band offset study in GaInP/GaInAlP heterostructures with strained barriers
- photoluminescence of InAs dots grown on metamorphic InAlAs buffers
- type II radiative recombinations at the interface in lattice-matched InAlAs/InP heterostructures
- luminescence degradation in GaAlAs/GaAs and ZnSe/GaAs heterostructures
- lateral straggle study during focused ion beam implantation
- optical property study of plastically deformed semiconductors (InSb and GaAs)
CV :
- 09/1979 : graduate student at the ‘Laboratoire de Structure et Propriétés de l’Etat Solide’, semiconductor group, (Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq France)
- 06/1980 : graduate from ISEN (school of engineering)
- 06/1983 : 3rd cycle thesis, « Etude par absorption optique des niveaux profonds induits par des dislocations dans InSb » (‘Optical absorption study of dislocation-induced deep-levels in InSb’)
- 10/1983 : admission to CNRS
- 10/1989 : french ‘Thèse d’Etat’, « Optical properties of plastically deformed GaAs »
- 10/1990-09/1991 : post-doctoral research scientist at the Research Laboratory for Electronics, ‘Focused ion beam’ group (MIT, Cambridge USA)
- 01/2000 : move to the ‘Institut d’Electronique et de Microélectronique du Nord’, epitaxy group, (CNRS-Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq France)
Contact :
tel. (33) 0 320 19 78 56