Nicolas DEFRANCE was born in France, 1982. After both a M.Eng and a M.Sc degrees, he got his PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Lille in 2007. The topic was the characterisation, modelling and technology of optimised AlGaN/GaN HEMTs for microwave power applications. Then he worked at Thalès Alenia Space – Belgium within Research & Innovation team. Since 2009 he joined the Institute of Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotecnology (IEMN) as an associate professor. His current research activities rely on the characterization and analysis of advanced wide bandgap-based devices for both microwave and power applications. He carries out his teaching activities at the University of Lille (Polytech Lille Engineering School) in the field of computer and electrical engineering.

Avenue Henri Poincaré
CS 60069
59 652 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France