Principales collaborations internationales
– IEMN – Algerian universities (Univ Blida, Sétif, Tlemcen) and research centers (CDTA, UDES)
– IEMN/ CNRS – SICCAS – East China central University (ECNU).
– European Campus Northern France (ECNF) : International research and teaching activities : IEMN/CNRS, University of Lille1, École Centrale de Lille, Université of Valenciennes and Hainaut Cambrésis (UVHC), and Institut Supérieur d’Electronique du Nord (ISEN)
– IEMN- Universitas Indonesia: GaN/silicon technology
– Institute of Industrial Science (IIS) – University of Tokyo & CNRS: Micro and Nano technologies:
– Laboratory for Integrated MicroMechatronic Systems (LIMMS)
– Center for International Research on Micromechatronics (CIRMM)
– CNRS, IIS – University of Tokyo, Lille I – University and Centre Oscar Lambret: LIMMS mirror structure on Cancer Research
– Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) – IEMN: GaN nano-structuring and optical properties.
Russia & Ukraine
– International Laboratory on « Nonlinear Magneto-Acoustics of condensed matter » (LIA LEMAC)
– International Laboratory on “Critical and Supercritical phenomena in Functional Electronics, Acoustics and Fluidics” (LIA LICS).
Saudi Arabia
– IEMN – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST): ZnO and Nanowire – based Quantum Dots Solar cells
– IEMN -THALES – Nanyang University of Technology (NTU): optoelectronics and nanoelectronics.
– CNRS International NTU THALES Research Alliance (UMI 3288 -CINTRA).
– Nanoantennas, carbon nanotubes and nanostructured surfaces, diluted nitrides
– Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) – InN and InGaN/GaN heterostructures and THz
– Joint Programs and Partnerships: Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Michigan, University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign, Imperial College, U.K., Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany and the University of California, Irvine.
– International Associated Laboratory (LIA) MATEO “Material and Optics”: IEMN- UMR Chemistry Sciences (University of Rennes I) – University of Arizona, Tucson: new materials for optics and acoustics.
– “Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education” (FIPSE) – US Department of Education and EU « Directorate General for Education and Culture » (DG EAC)
– Atlantis: « EC-US Graduate Curriculum on Electronic Devices and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems for Biological/Biomedical Applications »
– Atlantis: Transatlantic Dual Degree and Research Programs in Micro and Nanotechnologies (DUDECRONO) – University of Lille1, Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUD), Germany and University of California, Irvine (UCI)
– Double Masters degree: University of Lille 1 and Georgia Institute of Technology
– IEMN/Lille1 – University of Michigan: Web course on Introduction to MEMS
– Partner University Fund (PUF)/FACE program: Dual Lille1-Georgia Tech Masters degree.
– Partner University Fund (PUF)/FACE program Lille1 – Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of University of California in Irvine (UCI): micro- and nanotechnology.
– IEMN – CNRS UMI/ LN2 (Laboratory of Nanocharacterisation and Nanotechnology) in Sherbrook (CA): GaN based devices design, technology and characterization, dedicated to RF applications and power electronics
– IEMN – Ohio State University (Columbus): InGaN solar cells
The orientations
International relations continue to be a very important objective of the IEMN. Over the last three years the IEMN has continued its relations with Japan through the LIMMS (Laboratory for Integrated MicroMechatronics Systems), the CIRMM (Center for International Research in MicroMechatronics) as well as the European Laboratory in nonlinear Magneto-Acoustics (LEMAC) shared between the IEMN and the General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences. The IEMN has continued to enhance its international relations with the US and Asia with several new partnerships having been initiated. Additionally, a strong collaboration has been developed between the IEMN and Nanyang University of Technology (NTU) in Singapore addressing the aspects of RF-nanotechnologies and high frequency optoelectronics.
The fast development of international projects and the interest for the IEMN to strongly participate in the scientific field at a global level have benefited since 2003 from the contributions of Prof. Dimitris Pavlidis who was appointed as Director of International Relations. His efforts have been strongly assisted through the efforts of Professor Tuami Lasri.
An important mission of these international relations is the establishment of university and industry partnerships. Contacts were established with European and American universities and various schemes of collaboration in research and teaching were defined. The following summarizes some of the partnerships explored with universities and research centers. These include the University of Michigan: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign, the University of California, Irvine, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Imperial College, U.K., the Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Various forms of partnerships have been explored. A major effort has been placed on the establishment of a European Campus referred to henceforth as the European Campus Northern France (ECNF). The following summarizes the main options explored that progressed considerably during the recent years:
■ Creation of the “European Campus Northern France” (ECNF) that groups together the research and teaching activities of several academic and scientific poles, namely IEMN [CNRS-University of Lille/USTL, École Centrale de Lille, Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut Cambrésis (UVHC), Institut Supérieur d’Electronique du Nord (ISEN)] and Georgia Institute of Technology.
■ Evaluation of the possibility of extension of ECNF’s activities to include other international partners such as the University of Michigan and other US universities with technical expertise complementary to that of the IEMN, as well as other European Universities i.e. the Technical University of Darmstadt.
■ Funding of a program of graduate level fellowships for transatlantic exchanges of students.
■ Establishment of a double Masters degree (“Dual Degree Masters in Nanotechnology”) together with the Georgia Institute of Technology.
■ Funding of a three year program through the Foundation FACE (French American Cultural Exchange) for putting in place the program of “Dual Degree Masters in Nanotechnology.”
■ Funding in September 2009 of a four year long Atlantis Program through the European Union and the US Department of Education for developing a Dual Masters Degree in Microand Nano-technology with the University of California in Irvine and in cooperation with the Technische Universität Darmstadt. This program was funded at the level of one million US Dollars and is complemented by an equivalent amount of tuition fee waivers.
One of the major priorities for international partnerships is Micro and Nanotechnologies with emphasis on new materials, as well as secure information and sensors. Another area considered as a prominent theme for our partnerships relates to biomedical technologies.
Internationally recognized experts in their fields have been invited to the IEMN to interact with the IEMN’s researchers in support of the establishment of such partnerships.
Long and short term visits were arranged, as, for example, in the cases of Professor Khalil Najafi from the University of Michigan (MEMS and Biomedical applications) which was followed up by reciprocal visits, Prof Yoon Soon Fatt, Nanyang Technological University of Singapore (Dilute nitride compounds) and Professor Yi-Jen Chan of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI, Taiwn) (Electronics and Optoelectronics Research).
Topics of collaboration are strategically selected to correspond to the thematic research priorities of IEMN. By way of an example, the optoelectronics activity (M. E. Dogheche and M. D. Decoster) has recently benefited from a partnership with the Technische Universität Darmstadt on the study of MOCVD grown novel wide band gap III-Nitride semiconductors with AlN/GaN heterostructures for optical waveguide applications.Very small waveguide losses corresponding to the best values reported until now for GaN-based waveguides have also been demonstrated.