International Laboratory in nonlinear Magneto-Accoustics of condensed matter (LEMAC)
LEMAC was created in 2004 and is the result of a fruitful franco-russian collaboration between the IEMN / ECLille and the Wave Research Center of the A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (WRC/GPI/RAS), set up in 1995 following the joint proposal of Professors P. Pernod and V. Preobrazhensky. This collaboration deals with the innovative field of “Nonlinear Magneto-Acoustics of condensed matter”, a new branch of nonlinear acoustics of solids that studies and explores the extraordinary properties of some magnetic materials and composite structures with an induced “Spin Reorientation Transition” (SRT). Targeted applications are innovative ultrasonic imaging systems and Microsystems. The French and the Russian teams are presently leaders of this scientific field. The goal of this extramural Laboratory is the definition and development of scientific collaboration, the gathering of the scientific potentials of the partners of the LEMAC, in the fields of nonlinear Magneto-Acoustics, the physics of ultrasound, Microsystems and Nanotechnology, the stabilization of the scientific exchanges between the partners and the joint participation of young researchers with high level skills. The LEMAC was renewed for four years in December 2008 and extended to additional Russian and Ukrainian partners : Moscow State Institute of Radio-Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA-Technical University), The St Petersbourg Branch of Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Science, and the V.I. Vernadsky Taurida University in Simferopol. LEMAC benefits from the support of its partners and the Embassy of France in Moscow.