The 6 atomic force microscopes (AFM) of the pole allow to measure the topography of a surface at the nanometer scale and to extract various properties in a non-destructive way: electrical and electro-magnetic conductivity and properties, piezo effects, thermal properties, mechanical properties.
The complementary nature of the instruments allows for the study of a wide variety of materials or components
- Can reach 20cm in diameter or smaller than 1cm;
- In the open air, in a controlled atmosphere, in a liquid medium;
- Depending on the temperature ;
- In operation (polarization, external stimuli, etc.);
- Can be studied simultaneously by other experimental means (optical for example).
Equipements exemples : Bruker Icon, Multimode, Bioscope, Dimension, Nanonis by Specs.
Deposits of organic thin films under vacuum are also proposed (parylene, pentacene,...).

Measurement of roughness and etch height of transistor gate recess. Observation of the growth of GaSb/GaAs islands
- Topographic monitoring of technological process and material growth. The achievements of the nanofabrication plant are thus analyzed with the best resolution.
- Caractérisation locale sans contact des propriétés physiques du matériau. Conductivité électrique par CAFM ou thermique par SthM, Réponse piézoélectrique par PFM, Mesure de force d’adhésion et de propriété mécanique par spectroscopie de force.
- External work: Observation of protein fouling of stainless steel and glass, inactivated nano Viruses, grafted polymers, anti-fog glasses ...
Contact: Louis THOMAS 03 20 19 78 63
Application areas: Topography, Physical Nanocaracterization