Contact: David Guerin
The resource has a room dedicated to chemical synthesis, the main activity of which is the preparation of molecules, materials and functionalized surfaces for molecular/organic electronics or nanobiotechnologies (molecular junctions, switches, memories, sensors, etc.). In particular, the technique of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) makes it possible to provide surfaces with specific physico-chemical properties. Nanoparticles are also synthesised and grafted onto various substrates. The laboratory can carry out these syntheses in an inert atmosphere.
Two connected gloveboxes (MBRAUN) enable all the stages in the manufacture of a component to be carried out under an inert atmosphere: surface chemistry, deposition of molecules or polymers by spin-coating, and evaporation of organic species followed by metallisation under ultra-high vacuum.
Vacuum deposition of organic thin films (parylene, pentacene, etc.) is also carried out.
Deposits of organic thin films under vacuum are also proposed (parylene, pentacene,...).
- Functionalisation of all types of surfaces (metals, semiconductors, polymers, nanoparticles, etc.) using the self-assembled monolayer (SAM) technique, with a view to providing them with new properties (electronic conduction, specific reactivity, photosensitivity, modulable wettability, superhydrophobicity, etc.). Grafting or self-assembly of nanoparticles/nanomaterials is also carried out on various surfaces.
1. Self-assembled monolayer applied to the preparation of a sarin gas sensor (NCM group) [Ref]
- Multi-stage chemical synthesis of molecules, polymers, nanoparticles and other materials applied to electronics. The laboratory has a wide range of equipment for the synthesis and purification of organic compounds (rotavapor, flash column chromatography, Buchi distillation/sublimation oven, centrifuge, etc.).
2. Molecular junction based on self-assembled photocommutable molecules on a gold surface (NCM group) [Ref]
- Grafting or assembly (self-assembly, coating) of nanoparticles or nano-objects on various surfaces.
3. Optical switch consisting of a 2D array of gold nanoparticles (NPSANs) functionalized with photocommutable ligands (NCM group) [Ref]
- CVD deposition in a Comelec Frame of parylene C and N in a thin layer of approximately 50nm to 25µm (with or without adhesion promoter). Parylene is used in particular for its high chemical inertness (component encapsulation) and its electrical insulating properties.
4. Flying object mimicking the insect (OVMI) made from a film of parylene C (Mamina group)
Expertise and know-how: other
- Handling in an inert atmosphere. Air-sensitive chemistry can be carried out in a glovebox or using vacuum ramps and schlenk glassware. Two MBRAUN coupled gloveboxes can be used to carry out experiments in an inert atmosphere (O2 and H2O <1 ppm) l’ensemble des étapes de fabrication d’un composant: la chimie surface, les dépôts molécules ou polymères par spin-coating ainsi que l’évaporation d’espèces organiques puis métallisation sous ultravide (par effet joule à 10-7 mbar).
- Joule-effect vacuum deposition of organic or inorganic layers (pentacene, sexiothiophene, C60Ag2S) in an empty Aprim frame.
- Physicochemical characterisation of molecules, polymers and nanoparticles using UV-vis (Perkin Elmer) and FTIR (Perkin Elmer) spectroscopy, or RMN on campus.
- Physicochemical characterisation of functionalised surfaces using ellipsometry (Horiba Jobin Yvon), contact angle measurement using tensiometry (Biolin), spectroscopy (UV-vis, FTIR, XPS), voltammetry and mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS accessible on campus).
Word keyssurface functionalisation, organic chemistry, synthesis, molecular electronics, self-assembled monolayers, purification, parylene...