Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (E.S.C.A.)
Détails : site web du groupe EPIPHY
The surface analysis system (Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis) is connected under ultra-high vacuum to the 2 molecular beam epitaxy racks and to an airlock allowing the analysis of all types of samples. The base is a Physical Electronics type 5600 system mechanically modified by Sinvaco to ensure compatibility with 3 inch MBE molyblocks. It is equipped with :
- a manipulator allowing the 3 translations and 2 rotations (polar and azimuthal)
- a hemispherical analyzer with a 150 mm radius
- of a standard X-ray source with a Dual anode Al(1487eV)/Mg(1254 eV)
- of a monochromatized X-ray source Al (1487 eV)
- an electron gun with a maximum energy of 8 keV and a spot size of about 20 mm
- an ionic sputtering gun with a maximum energy of 5 keV
- a source of UV HeI rays (21.2 eV)
- an electronic neutralisation gun for the analysis of insulators
- a low energy electron diffractometer (LEED)
In X-ray induced electron spectroscopy (XPS), the ultimate resolution of the system measured as the width at half height of the Ag 3d5/2 line is 0.45 eV.
Diffraction of a beam of X-ray photons
Détails : site web du groupe EPIPHY
The diffraction of a beam of X-ray photons by a crystal allows a fine analysis of its structure. The IEMN is equipped to analyze the physical structure of single crystal semiconductor materials. A PANalytical X'Pert Pro MRD goniometer with double X-ray diffraction allows us to measure important parameters in the field of epitaxial growth such as the lattice parameter, the composition of alloys or the relaxation rate of a constrained crystal.
This system allows non-destructive testing of samples mounted on an x-y table accepting substrates up to 100 mm in diameter. Main applications:
- measurements of alloy compositions and layer thicknesses
- control of the adaptation in mesh parameter with the substrate
- quality of interfaces in super networks
- constrained thin films
- relaxation rate and tilt of mismatched thick layers
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
In terms of observation and validation of nanometric processes in the laboratory, our scanning electron microscopes (Zeiss Ultra55/EDS Bruker, Zeiss Supra55VP/EBSD Oxford) allow us to observe and dimension devices, whose size is in the order of ten nanometers. The observation of surface or cleaved section is possible on any type of insulating materials (resins, oxides or nitrides) or conductors (Si or III/V substrates, metallizations,...). The range of acceleration voltages (200V to 30kV) allows all observations without metallization during the process.
Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)
Système EDS Xflash 4010 Bruker, type SDD (Silicon Drift Detector)
- Résolution du Mn Ka à 127 eV de 0 à 100 000 cps
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Mapping
Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)
The IEMN is also equipped with an EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction) detector on one of its scanning electron microscopes for the determination of the local orientation on crystalline material. We can thus carry out quantitative analyses by mapping microstructures, evaluate the orientations of crystallized films, map disorientations,...