« MEMS and NEMS processing advances » Workshop
IEMN, Lille, France on 8th April 2014
An interactive, one day technical seminar focused on practical applications, techniques and advances.
This technical workshop is being hosted in conjunction with the Institute of Electronics Micro-electronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN) in Lille. This event is aimed at all those scientists working in research and manufacturing with an interest in MEMS and NEMS, and is designed to inform participants of latest technologies and trends in these hot industry research topics.Talks will include topics such as:
- MEMS – how to make the nanoworld smaller
- Nanoscale etch
- MEMS research applications and results – IEMN
- Looking towards the next generation of MEMS devices – Yole
- ALD for MEMS – Eindhoven University
- ALD research and results – Guest speaker
The workshop is free of charge however advance booking is essential.

editor2014-01-30 09:26:012014-02-18 15:46:11« MEMS and NEMS processing advances » Workshop