Teaching | Training courses concerned: The person recruited will work at the Lille University Polytechnic (Polytech Lille), which trains specialist engineers through initial, continuing and apprenticeship training. The person recruited will teach on the engineering cycle in various specialities (Materials, Production, Instrumentation, etc.) as well as in PeiP, the 2-year post-Bac preparatory cycle for schools in the Polytech network. Learning objectives : The person recruited will teach in materials characterisation, general physics (strength of materials, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, fluid mechanics) and optics. The teaching will be in French and potentially in English. The teaching will include both theoretical and practical aspects (lectures, tutorials, practical work). Need for support : |
Search | Research theme : The IEMN develops and characterises advanced and functional nanomaterials within its 'materials' and 'nanocharacterisation' flagship projects, as part of fundamental research activities or in connection with targeted electronic applications such as energy storage micro-devices. These activities are developed at the intersection of two University of Lille accredited platforms (CMNF and PCMP, dedicated to micro-nano-fabrication and characterisation respectively). They are also part of structuring programmes (CPER IMITECH, Equipex EXCELSIOR, Equipex+ NANOFUTUR, Labex StoreX) and benefit from the IEMN's dual membership of theRENATECH+ (a major technology centre in France) and RS2E (Electrochemical Energy Storage Network) networks. The aim of this recruitment profile is to strengthen the laboratory's research activities in these areas. The research profile may concern the following two target profiles: Research projects or profiles at the interface between these two target profiles will be given full consideration. Generally speaking, the candidate should have a solid knowledge of materials science (physics and/or chemistry of materials), ultra-thin film or molecular deposition, structural and electronic characterisation (e.g. X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy [AFM], electronic spectroscopy techniques). The research theme of the post will be :
Expected responsibilities: |
Educational innovation | The person recruited will be required to develop teaching and set up multidisciplinary/multispeciality projects at Polytech Lille, and then to develop teaching tools enabling more active participation by students (flipped classroom, project-based teaching...). The Université́ de Lille encourages the development of pedagogical thinking by its teacher-researchers as part of the development of its lifelong learning offer. The person recruited will be encouraged to respond to the universitý s invitations to tender in this field. |
Keywords |
Euraxess fields | Job Title : Assistant Professor. Job Profile : Teaching in Polytech Lille (strength of materials, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, fluid mechanics, ...) and Research in IEMN laboratory. Research fields :
Contacts | Search for :
Teaching :
Administrative :
Type of position : Research unit : Job identification : Title : Nature of the competition : Component - Department: For more information: |
- The post for which you are applying may be located in a "restricted area" within the meaning of article R. 413-5-1 of the French Criminal Code. If this is the case, your appointment and/or assignment can only be made after authorisation for access has been issued by the head of establishment, in accordance with the provisions of article 20-4 of decree no. 84-431 of 6 June 1984;
- This position is open to people with disabilities;
- The composition of the selection committee will be available on the Université de Lille website at https://www.univ- lille.fr/universite/travailler-a-luniversite/ as soon as the posts are published on the ministerial application GALAXIE.
Hearings of the candidates :
Article 9-2 of the decree of 6 June 1984 laying down the common statutory provisions applicable to teacher-researchers and the special status of the body of university professors and the body of lecturers stipulates that "the hearing of candidates by the selection committee may include a professional simulation, in particular in the form of a lesson or seminar presenting research work. This simulation may be public".
Practical work experience: NO