General Information
Reference : UMR8520-ERICAT-001
Place of work : VILLENEUVE D'ASCQ
Publication date : Monday 26 April 2021
Contract Type: Scientific CDD
Contract duration : 18 months
Expected date of hire: 1 June 2021
Number of hours worked : Full-time
Compensation: from €2,675 gross per month
Desired level of education: Doctorat
Desired experience : Indifferent
Micro-robot based on polymer transducers for innovative diagnostic and surgical micro-tools
Key words : Nanotechnology, Flexible micro-robot, Bio-compatible materials, Diagnosis of otitis media, Electroactive conductive polymers, Clean room, Modelling
IEMN-CNRS, Institute of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, France
Manager: Prof. Eric CATTAN
The main objectives are firstly to develop a new image-guided flexible micro-robot for the diagnosis of otitis media (OM) and secondly to develop a micro-robot for neurosurgery to deliver drugs locally to complex areas of the brain without damaging them.