WAVELY wins the BPI France deeptech development grant (ADD)

Wavely is a start-up that aims to accelerate and automate sound source recognition solutions for all its customers' use cases. It is a BPI France Deeptech Development Grant (ADD) winner.

The Deeptech plan, created in 2019 by BPI France, consists of supporting the growth of start-ups with disruptive innovation projects linked to academic research and strengthening their competitiveness. Winning companies receive support for the development of solutions with concrete prospects for industrialization and marketing.

Wavely has so far developed around collaborations with major accounts (TotalEnergies, Bouygues Constructions, EDF) which have resulted in real-time sound event recognition solutions such as gas leak detection. These projects have been carried out over relatively long periods of time, with each time a real problem around the constitution of an annotated database to allow the training of machine learning models. Wavely wants to continue its technical developments to offer its customers a fully automated software suite for building annotated databases and training machine learning models.

D’une durée de 3 ans, le programme Deep Tech a pour objectif de valider une approche mélangeant apprentissage non-supervisé et supervisé, associée au développement de plusieurs outils logiciels pour augmenter la vitesse de développement de modèles robustes pour la reconnaissance de sources sonores et d’anomalies. Ainsi, Wavely pourra appliquer ses technologies à la surveillance d’un ensemble beaucoup plus vaste de sources sonores, et ainsi répondre à toutes les problématiques de ses clients où la modalité acoustique peut être employée.

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