IEMN’s research on the intelligent city and transport:
a close partnership with the Gustave Eiffel University

The continuous evolution of cities and territories must now be studied in the context of sustainable development. It is in this context that the IEMN and the Gustave Eiffel University, formerly the IFSTTAR (French Institute of Sciences and Technologies for Transport, Planning and Networks), have joined forces.
The creation of the joint laboratory e-COST (Enhanced Communication Devices for Smart Cities and Transports) is the result of several decades of collaboration. Its purpose is to federate the activities of IEMN and Gustave Eiffel University researchers around scientific orientations related to the smart city and transport. Pooling material and human resources, this partnership aims to experiment new technologies from both institutes in representative environments that meet the concept of Living Labs such as the Equipex Sense City.

The scientific policy is articulated in various research areas, for example sensors monitoring urban metabolism, radiofrequency systems with a low environmental footprint, or radiocommunications in rail and road environments, but also the cyber-security of everyday connected objects.

With a strong regional base that has national resonance, the scientific themes of e-COST are part of the IMITECH and RITMEA CPER 2021-2027. This joint laboratory, formalized in January 2020, regularly participates in regional, national and European projects. The frequent seminars and workshops organized within the IEMN and the Gustave Eiffel University aim at opening e-COST to the largest number of academic and industrial partners.

Contact: Christophe LOYEZ, Directeur de recherche CNRS