‘Pushing the limits of silicon light emission’
Jimmy Xu, Brown University, USA
This talk attempts to introduce an on-going effort in pushing the limits of silicon in light emission. It began with a curiosity-driven trial experiment to prove that silicon can emit light and emit so well that it could even lase1. Today, we are pushing the limit in the opposite end – making it emit single-photons2, in the telecom O-band, and electrically driven3.
- Cloutier, P. Kossyrev, Jimmy Xu, Optical gain and stimulated emission in periodic nanopatterned crystalline silicon, Nature Materials, 2005, doi:10.1038/nmat1530
- Redjem et al, All-silicon quantum light source by embedding aan atomic emissive center in a nanophotonic cavity, Nature Communications, 2023,
- One part of the “Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair” project w/ ISEN & IEMN
Speaker biosketch: the recipient of the “Fulbright-Tocqueville Distinguished Chair” Award 2023-24; Professor of Engineering and Physic, and the ‘Charles C. Tillinghast Jr. 1932 University Professor’ at Brown University, USA; recipient of the 1994 “Steacie Prize” (Canada), 2004 Guggenheim Fellowship, Fellow of AAAS, APS, IEEE, IoP (UK); and DVS (Distinguished Visiting Scientist) of NASA JPL. Prior to coming to Brown in 1999, he was Director, Nortel Institute of Telecommunications and the James Ham Professor of Optoelectronics at the University of Toronto.