Call for Posters

4th Barrande workshop on Nanotechnologies ¬ Photonics & Electronics

Du 1er Février au 3 Février 2023 à l’IEMN

This annual workshop is organised alternately in France and Czech Republic with as main aim to promote ongoing and foster new bilateral collaboration between research laboratories from both countries in the broad field of nanotechnologies. Invited presentations will give a selection of current spearheading  research activities in the broad domains of photonics, spintronics, nanoelectronics, spectroscopy and THz technology. Invited French and Czech speakers will give an overview of latest ongoing research in a selection of laboratories of both countries, revealing complementary expertise and research interests.

The workshop will consist of invited talks, along with a poster session intended for local and Czech student & postdoctoral participants  on the opening night  accompanied by a welcome drink .

Participation free of charge but required registration and poster contributions before January 25th 2023 on the website

Organizing committee :,

Téléchargez le flyer du workshop : Flyer-Barrande2023