Organic layer deposition, synthesis

Contact : David GUERIN

Glovebox (PLAS-LABS type)

  • chemical syntheses or to surface functionnalizations under inert atmosphere (O2 and H2O levels below 100 ppm)


Boite à gants PLAS-LABS

Glovebox (MBRAUN type)

Preparation of molecular or organic devices (self-assembled monolayers, organic films by spin coating) and more generally dedicated to the chemical synthesis of very air-sensitive nanostructures (O2 and H2O levels below 1 ppm).

Glovebox (MBRAUN type)

Fume cupboard dedicated to organic synthesis and to the purification of solvents and organics

  • distillation apparatus for the purification of solvents under inert atmosphere distillation oven for the purification of organic chemicals (under vacuum or inert atmosphere up to 300 °C)
  • varius apparatus and glassware available to carry out chemical synthesis or surface fonctionnalization at controlled temperature and/or under nitrogen atmosphere (condensers, schlenk-type glass, round bottom flasks, reactors, addition funnels, heaters, …)


la synthèse organique et à la purification des solvants et des composés organiques