Workshop : Gradient Resonant Array Devices In Electro-magnetic-acoustic Nano Technologies

Thursday 18th – Friday 19th October 2018

IEMN –  Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie
Univsersité de Lille – Avenue Poincaré – Villeneuve d’Ascq


An international workshop on gradient-index metasurfaces will be organized by the departments of Micro and Nano Optoelectronics (MNO-dept), Physics and Acoustics of IEMN in October 2018. It will aim at presenting the current status in the field of spatially dispersive micro-structured metadevices for electromagnetic and acoustic waves and the latest advances in this research area seeking disruptive technologies for the next generation of information and communication systems.

The topic of main interest will include, but will not limited, to wave manipulation devices (magnitude, phase and polarization), reconfigurable and tunable electromagnetic metamaterials at microwave, THz and optical frequencies, acoustic metadevices from infra- to ultra-sound spectrum, antenna applications, sensor network in particular for IoT, reflect- and transmit-arrays for the 5th generation of telecommunications systems, metamaterial for sensing, novel metamaterial concepts, numerical modelling, experimental techniques and characterization of dispersive metasurfaces.

The workshop will comprise keynote presentations from experts in the field as well as oral and poster contributions.

List of invited papers

  • S. TRETYAKOV, Aalto University, Espoo (Finland)
    “Electromagnetic functional metasurfaces“
  • S. MACI, Universita Degli Studi Di Siena (Italy)
    “Gradient metasurfaces for addressing surface waves”
  • Y. HAO, Queen Mary, University of London (United Kingdom)
    “Electromagnetic Metasurface: Randomness, Active Control and Optimization”
  • P. GENEVET, Centre de Recerche du l’Hétéroépitaxie, Valbonne (France)
    “Semiconductor-based metamaterials in the visible”
  • D. TORRENT, The University Jaume 1er in Castellon (Spain)
    “The inverse grating problem: Efficient design of metasurfaces”
  • B. ASSOUAR, Institut Jean Lamour, Vandoeouvre-les Nancy (France)
    “Metasurfaces for Acoustic Energy Harnessing and Harvesting”
  • V. ROMERO-GARCIA, Laboratoire d’Acoustique de l’Université du Maine , Le Mans (France)
    “Deep subwavelength metasurfaces for acoustic diffusion”
  • H. LISSEK,  Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne  (Switzerland)
    “Steerable Acoustic Metasurfaces with Active Electroacoustic Resonators”

IEMN Organization  committee

  • D. LIPPENS (Chair – DOME-MNO Dept)
  • Y. PENNEC (EPHONI – Physics Dept )

Advisory Board

  • IEMN D. LIPPENS (Electromagnetics) and B. DJAFARI-ROUHANI (Acoustics)
  • MRIS P. POULIGUEN (Ondes Acoustiques et Radiofréquences) – P. ADAM (Photonics) – R.-M. SAUVAGE (Nanotechnology)


Abstract submission closed : Tusday 31st July 2018
It is still possible to submit a poster contribution…  Submit a poster abstract

Registration: Monday 1st October 2018
All participants, contributors and attendees, are encouraged to register on the workshop website as early as possible.

Fees: No registration fees are requested.

Submission guidelines

Papers should be 1 page long with a short abstract and a main body where the technical content and novelty of the work should be presented. They have to be submitted as camera-ready copy pdf files. See below to register and submit your abstract…

Registration & Abstract submission

All participants are encouraged to register. To register please use this link… Registration only
It is still possible to submit a poster contribution…  Submit a poster abstract


The Workshop will take place in the Amphitheater of main building of IEMN, Institut d’Electronique, Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie
Cité scientifique – Avenue Poincaré – 59652 VILLENEUVE D’ASCQ CEDEX

The building is located 300m south from the “4 cantons – Grand Stade” subway station. (termial of the Yellow subway line).

This station can be reached in 20 minutes from the “Lille Flandres” and “Lille Europe railroad stations”.

Contact : Didier Lippens
Mail :

workshop website

Offre d’emploi Conception de systèmes électroniques

Nous recherchons un ingénieur ou docteur en conception de systèmes électroniques embarqués pour des applications textiles connectées (voir lien ci-dessous)

CIFRE PhD position with STMicroelectronics

Subject : Study and demonstration of highly-integrated FDSOI CMOS digital transmitters for emerging 802.11ah IoT standards

The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) communication markets demand wireless networking standards that operate in the sub-1 GHz spectrum, providing long-range and low-power operation, such as 802.11ah and 802.11af. In the collaborative works ST-IEMN, digital transmitters has been recently targeted to replace traditional RF architectures, due to their high configurability, efficiency and integration. This thesis subject proposes to demonstrate entirely digital transmitter architectures to efficiently target sub-1 GHz communication systems. The proposed works will leverage the use of UTBB FDSOI unique features, aiming state-of-the-art performance.

 Advanced CMOS technologies offer very nice switches that can enable wideband and highly-integrated digital transmitters relying on timing rather than voltage levels. Features of the 28nm FDSOI technology also provide an additional design space to introduce configurability in digital transmitters, providing a good opportunity to address the bandwidth and carrier frequency configurability demands. This work will follow up on previous PhD works on digital transmitters in the ST-IEMN common lab. Potential solutions to be investigated include time-interleaved delta-sigma modulation, FIR-DACs, switched capacitor amplifier and digital RF pulse position and width modulation.

Please contact for more details

Link to IEMN PhD thesis offers

“Best Presentation Award” for Thierno at eMRS Varsaw !

Congrats to Thierno-Moussa Bah who received the “Best Presentation Award” of symposium M for his contribution entitled “Benefits of a nano-patterned thin silicon film based thermoelectric generator” !

See the abstract here…abstract_e_mrs_final2017

CIFRE PhD position with STMicroelectronics

Subject : Study and demonstration of highly-integrated FDSOI CMOS digital transmitters for emerging 802.11ah IoT standards

The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) communication markets demand wireless networking standards that operate in the sub-1 GHz spectrum, providing long-range and low-power operation, such as 802.11ah and 802.11af. In the collaborative works ST-IEMN, digital transmitters has been recently targeted to replace traditional RF architectures, due to their high configurability, efficiency and integration. This thesis subject proposes to demonstrate entirely digital transmitter architectures to efficiently target sub-1 GHz communication systems. The proposed works will leverage the use of UTBB FDSOI unique features, aiming state-of-the-art performance.

 Advanced CMOS technologies offer very nice switches that can enable wideband and highly-integrated digital transmitters relying on timing rather than voltage levels. Features of the 28nm FDSOI technology also provide an additional design space to introduce configurability in digital transmitters, providing a good opportunity to address the bandwidth and carrier frequency configurability demands. This work will follow up on previous PhD works on digital transmitters in the ST-IEMN common lab. Potential solutions to be investigated include time-interleaved delta-sigma modulation, FIR-DACs, switched capacitor amplifier and digital RF pulse position and width modulation.

Please contact for more details

Link to IEMN PhD thesis offers


Le projet AUTONOTEX mis à l’honneur

Projets remarquables de @yncrea_hdf catégorie recherche : Autonotex, un drap d’hôpital connecté pour un meilleur suivi du patient 👏🏼

Yncréa HautsdeFrance (@yncrea_hdf) 3 février 2017

Cristian Marin : Second prize of the Research Council of the Catholic University de Lille

Cristian Marin obtained the second prize from the Research Council at the “Université Catholique de Lille”, in which the goal is to derive the societal impact of the PhD work.

He is working on digital transmitters and would like to improve embedded devices so that we are not running out of battery (but this shouldn’t affect the amount of data we are sharing !)

Congratulations!!! and we are eagerly waiting for the results on the prototypes !!!

Please find here a link to an interview following the contest. This is an emission called “Boulevard de la Recherche”.

Valeria Lacatena PhD defence June 1st

Valeria Lacatena will defend her PhD work “Fabrication And Thermal Conductivity Characterization Of Phononic Engineered Silicon Membranes For Thermoelectric Applications” June 1st at 10:30 in the IEMN amphitheater. You are welcome to join this event to encourage her !

Jury :
M. Lionel BUCHAILLOT, Directeur de recherche CNRS, IEMN
Mme. Sylvie HEBERT, Directeur de recherche CNRS,CRISMAT
M. Sebastian VOLZ, Directeur de recherche CNRS, SUPELEC
M. Pierre-Olivier CHAPUIS, Chargé de recherche au CNRS, CETHIL
M. Stéphane MONFRAY, Ingénieur R&D, STMicroelecronics
M. Jean-François ROBILLARD, Enseignant Chercheur, ISEN
M. Thomasz SKOTNICKI, Directeur R&D, STMicroelecronics
M. Emmanuel DUBOIS, Directeur de recherche CNRS, IEMN


IEEE International Wireless Symposium 2016

Great panel for a very nice workshop on “disruptive transceivers for next generation wireless access” during IWS 2016 in Shanghai.

Hope you enjoyed !!

The workshop was organized by Yann Deval and François Rivet from University of Bordeaux and included presentations by Ramesh Harjani (University of Minnesota),  Patrick Reyneart (KU Leuven), Yoan Veyrac (University of Bordeaux), Antoine Frappé (ISEN-Lille) and Baptiste Grave (Stanford University).


The AUTONOTEX project has started on November 2015.

Let’s connect textiles !

More information here