Welcoming Internationals to Lille » international chair to work on acoustic clamps
Acoustic tweezers can be used to manipulate, organize and test the mechanical properties of microparticles and microorganisms. They can operate both in vivo and in vitro, in transparent or opaque media, and with forces several orders of magnitude greater than their optical or magnetic equivalents. This technique therefore opens up major perspectives in biology and medicine, for example in non-invasive surgery, targeted therapy, testing the mechanical properties of biological matter or even microrobotics. However, many applications are currently limited by their resolution, selectivity or lack of dexterity. As part of the international WILL (Welcoming Internationals to Lille) project, we will combine theoretical elements developed in collaboration with Prof. Henrik Bruus (Technical University of Denmark) with the experimental capabilities of the IEMN to explore 3 paths for addressing these limitations:
(i) the capabilities offered by GHz acoustics to increase the resolution of acoustic tweezers and thus manipulate nanoscopic objects such as bacteria, exosomes or vesicles
(ii) The possibilities offered by acousto-optic couplings to achieve greater dexterity and be able to manipulate one or more objects precisely and dynamically.
(iii) And finally, the potential of acoustically-activated micro-swimmers to circulate in three dimensions in complex environments and dessiminate locally an active principle.
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