A look back at the presentation of the final results of the InDiD project:
A success story for intelligent transport systems in France

The closing event of the InDiD (Infrastructure Digitale de Demain) project, organised by the IEMN, was held on 11 and 12 June 2024 at the University Polytechnique Hauts-de-France in Valenciennes. The aim of this final seminar was to present the results obtained after five years of work since the project was launched in 2019.


The InDiD project, coordinated by the French Ministry for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion and in which IEMN was heavily involved, followed on from initiatives such as C-Roads France, InterCor, FENIX and SCOOP@F. Its aim was to prepare the digital road infrastructure for connected and automated vehicles. The event attracted an average of 240 participants per day from France, Belgium, Italy, the UK, the Netherlands, Morocco, Luxembourg, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Taiwan and Australia.
Participants discussed a range of topics, including new use cases such as the approach to toll plazas and traffic light junctions, the results of evaluations, the process of going live, and work on improving technology and data security. In addition to the debates and conferences, this event offered the opportunity to take part in demonstrations on the Gyrovia track and on the motorway (with 8 vehicles equipped). These demonstrators were mainly implemented by IEMN (Valenciennes site), Dir Nord, CEREMA, VEDECOM, Dir Ouest, etc.

A round table organised on the site of the UPHF’s Institut des Mobilités et Transports Durables discussed future prospects for the widespread deployment of cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) in France.
This event was an opportunity to understand the technological advances in the field of connected and automated mobility, and to consider the next steps for large-scale implementation. The IEMN researchers involved will be able to continue this large-scale work as part of the SCALE and C-Roads Extended projects, which have just been accepted by the European Commission and will involve 22 European countries.

Relive the event to present the final results of the InDiD project on video via the link :



For more information, visit the websites of the French Ministry for Ecological Transition(https://www.ecologie.gouv.fr/cloture-du-projet-indid) and C-ITS France.


Atika Rivenq Atika.Menhaj@uphf.fr

Yassin El Hillali yassin.elhillali@uphf.fr

Marwane Ayaida marwane.ayaida@uphf.fr