Séminaire ExCELSiOR
« Microwave absorption and radiation from large-area multilayer CVD graphene »
15 Juillet 2014, 11h, amphithéâtre IEMN
Professor Yang Hao, Queen Mary University
Here we experimentally study the microwave absorption and near-field radiation behaviour of monolayer and few-layer, large-area CVD graphene in the C and X bands. Artificial stacking of CVD graphene reduces the sheet resistance, as verified by non-contact microwave cavity measurements and four-probe DC resistivity. The multilayer stacked graphene exhibits increased absorption determined by the total sheet resistance. The underlying mechanism could enable us to apply nanoscale graphene sheets as optically transparent radar absorbers. Near-field radiation measurements show that our present few-layer graphene patches with sheet resistance more than 600 Ω/sq exhibit no distinctive microwave resonance and radiate less electromagnetic power with increasing layers; however, our theoretical prediction suggests that for samples to be practical as microwave antennas, doped multilayer graphene with sheet resistance less than 10 Ω/sq is required.