Focus on MC2 Technologies

The collaboration between the company MC2 Technologies and IEMN rewarded by the Force ‘Partners’ prize in the Force Awards 2021 competition.
MC2 Technologies, a spin-off of IEMN whose shareholding has just changed, is specialized in the design of microwave components and devices for civil and military applications.

MC2 Technologies (Microwave Characterization Center Technologies), a spin-off from IEMN, specializes in the design of microwave components and devices for civilian and military applications. Nicolas Vellas, co-founder and director of MC2 Technologies, was interviewed for Business Inside of Forbes magazine.

Read the article here

This same company has just returned to 100% French ownership following its acquisition by Andera Partners and Bpifrance.

Read more about this information here

The collaborations between MC2 Technologies and IEMN through the Teril-Waves project (TERahertz and mILlimeter WAVES for communication applications) led by Guillaume Ducournau and Christophe Gaquière co-founder have been rewarded by the Force ‘Partners’ prize in the Force Awards 2021 competition.

Read about the award here