The IndustriELLES collective, an initiative to change the image of
of industry among young girls and women
The IndustriELLES collective, relaunched on March 8, 2023, is an initiative aimed at changing the image of industry among young girls and women and attracting them to the sector. At an event in Bercy on May 23, 2023, attended by V. Hoel (IEMN) and S. Beaufils (ACSIEL), Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, and Frédérique Le Grevès, President of STMicroelectronics France and sponsor of IndustriELLES, announced the following objectives for 2023 – 2024:
- Launch a nationwide network of ambassadors for the collective,
- Build up a pool of mentors and role models within the collective, to raise awareness among more young girls and women of careers in industry,
- Increase the sharing of best practices in terms of gender diversity between members of the collective.
The IndustriELLES collective aims to change the image of industry among young girls and women and attract them to the sector. It was relaunched on March 8, 2023 by Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, following on from the eponymous initiative created by Agnès Pannier-Runacher.
To meet these challenges of parity and gender diversity, the collective is now recruiting new profiles, women and men, technicians and senior managers, throughout France, to become spokespersons in the media or on social networks, to mentor young girls, or to contribute to the sharing of best practices in terms of gender diversity. If you wish, you can get involved via the form on the CNI website and by joining the IndustriElles LinkedIn group.
Frédérique Le Grevès, President of the Comité Stratégique de la Filière des Industries Électroniques and STMicroelectronics France, and Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate in charge of Industry, relaunched the IndustriElles collective yesterday at Bercy, with the aim of feminizing industry.
IndustriElles is an initiative designed to mobilize the men and women of industry to act in favor of gender diversity in the industrial sector. On May 23, Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, and Frédérique Le Grevès, President of STMicroelectronics France and patron of IndustriElles, welcomed associations, members of parliament, company directors, high-school students and apprentices to Bercy to present the objectives of the collective and discuss the challenges of feminizing industrial professions.
During the event, Frédérique Le Grevès, godmother of Industrielles, announced ambitious objectives for 2023-2024:
- Launch a nationwide network of ambassadors for the collective,
- Build up a pool of mentors and role models within the collective, to raise awareness among more young girls and women of careers in industry,
- Increase the sharing of best practices in terms of gender diversity between members of the collective.
The approach adopted by the French Ministry of Industry therefore responds to the need to offer women attractive professional careers enabling them to develop their potential, while meeting the challenge of industry’s enormous skills needs. With this same objective in mind, on May 16 the French government presented the « Green Industry » bill, the training component of which is aimed in particular at increasing the number of women in industrial jobs.
The IndustriElles collective aims to change the image of industry among young girls and women, and attract them to the sector. It was relaunched on March 8, 2023 by Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate in charge of Industry, following on from the eponymous initiative created by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Energy Transition, and former Minister Delegate in charge of Industry. It is based on four pillars:
- Federating, bringing together women in industry from technicians to senior executives, from operators to engineers, who could exchange best practices, via a Linkedin group in particular.
- Build up a pool of role models who could take part in job discovery half-days, roundtables, conferences, public events and the media, to help people discover and promote careers in the industry.
- Organize mentoring.
- Be the umbrella brand for all existing organizations and initiatives on the subject, such as Elles bougent, Femmes ingénieures, Worldskills, My Job Glasses.
The collective is now recruiting new profiles, women and men, technicians and senior managers, throughout France, to become spokespeople in the media or on social networks, to mentor young girls, or to contribute to the sharing of best practices in terms of gender diversity.
To join the collective : Site internet | Collectif Linkedin