Dr. Wei Wei
Research Associate IEMN
Office : 265 (IEMN)
+33 (0)3 20 19 18 12
Orcid Identifier: orcid.org/0000-0002-1635-0924
Research Activity
- Nano devices fabrication (rigid and flexible substrate), graphene microwave transistors.
- Inkjet printing for flexible electronics.
- High frequency characterization for Nano devices.
Short CV
Wei WEI received his master degree in Materials Science and Engineering in Hunan University, in 2011. From 2012 to 2016, he was funded by Chinese Scholarship Committee (CSC) to complete his doctoral study in CARBON group for passive and active flexible electronics. He obtained his Ph.D degree in electrical engineering from Lille University in 2016. He is currently a postdoc under the European Graphene Flagship program working on graphene based flexible RF circuits. He has authored or co-authored 23 Journal & Conference papers.
2016 Prize of best poster presentation in conference of EMRS (European Materials Research Society)
2014 Invited Talk in 13es JOURNEES PEDAGOGIQUES CNFM, Saint-Malo, France
2014 Prize of best oral presentation in conference of JNRDM
Selected Publications
1. “Mechanically robust 39 GHz cut-off frequency graphene field effect transistors on flexible substrates.” W. Wei, E. Pallecchi, S. Haque, S. Borini, A. Avramovic, A. Centano, Z. Amaia, H. Happy. Nanoscale (2016)
2. “ Graphene Field-Effect Transistors with Aluminium Bottom-gate Electrodes and its Natural,” W. Wei, X. Zhou, G. Deokar, H. Kim, M. Belhaj, E. Galopin, E. Pallecchi, D. Vignaud, H. Happy IEEE Trans. Electron Devices. (2015)
3. « Inkjet printed flexible transmission lines for high frequency applications up to 67 GHz » M.M. Belhaj, W. Wei, E. Pallecchi, C. Mismer, I. Roch-jeune, H. Happy. Microwave Conference 44th (2014).