Archive de mot-clé pour : Acoustofluidics

Conference : Acoustofluidics 2018

Conference Chair Michaël Baudoin – Chair Professor

29-31 August, 2018

IEMN – Villeneuve d’Ascq

Abstract :

This annual meeting is returning to Europe in 2018.This focused meeting is dedicated to exploring the science, engineering, and use of micro- to nanoscale acoustofluidics.

In particular the scope of the conference covers:

  • Acoustical tweezers and acoustophoresis
  • Acoustic streaming and radiation pressure analysis and experimentation
  • Liquids, bubbles, particles and cells manipulation with acoustics
  • Integrated acoustofluidics devices for energy, chemical, biological, and medical applications
  • Fluid interface manipulation using ultrasound, including atomization, droplet generation, and thin films
  • Transducers designs for micro/nano acoustofluidics, including new fabrication methods and ideas

