Imen Hnid, recruited in September 2022 as a teacher at Polytech Lille and researcher at IEMN, received three awards for her thesis defended on March 16, 2021 and entitled « Photo-active molecular surfaces and junctions: organizations, functionalizations and characterizations by scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy and conducting tip ».
This work, carried out under the direction of Jean Christophe Lacroix, within the ITODYS laboratory at the University of Paris Cité, was distinguished by :
- the Prize for Excellence in « Inorganic, Mineral and Materials Chemistry », from the Société Chimique de France – section Ile-De-France, October 2022 (regional prize).
- the 2022 Labex SEAM thesis prize, December 2022.
- the 2nd prize ex-aequo of thesis 2021 » René Dabard – ENSCR « , ceremony planned in January 2023 (national prize).

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