Equipex LEAF Project

Equipex LEAF Project : ‘Laser procEssing plAtform for multiFunctional electronics on Flex’

Kick-off Meeting

20th Wednesday of March 2013

IEMN, Avenue Poincaré, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France

Open on morning (registration required)


9:30                     Welcome and Registration  (IEMN Hall)

10:00 – 10h30     Presentation EQUIPEX LEAF project

10:30 – 11:10       Daniel BENSAHEL ( Manager advanced front-end materials) ST Microelectronics, Crolles

« CMOS technology evolutions and new materials challenges »

11:10 – 11:50        Jan ELIZALDE (Senior Research Scientist) CIC microGUNE / IK4-Ikerlan, Arrasate-Mondragón

« Pathogens rapid detection Point Of Care (POC) for food contamination monitoring »

12:30 – 13:45       Lunch ( Basement)

13:45 – 14:30       Visit of IEMN  technological platforms

14:30 – 16:00        Executive and Steering Comittees

16:00                     End of kick-off meeting




On-line free registration: http://leaf-equipex.iemn.univ-lille1.fr/2013/01/24/kick-off-meeting/