Thèse : Study of tracking of freight wagons for logistic purposes by radio wave – Impact of electromagnetic interference on the proposed system


Soutenance de thèse

31/08/2018 – 10:30

Amphi IEMN Campus de Valenciennes Mont Houy

 Abstract :

In railway freight transport, wagons tracking is necessary to identify sensitive elements (transport of hazardous materials, perishable goods …) and the associated information (content, weight, location) could be useful for logistic management. The aim of this thesis is to propose a short-range wireless communication system, which meets these needs. The constraints of rail environment such as flexibility, technical installation difficulties, low energy consumption and the risk of electromagnetic disturbances, causes more difficulties to insert wireless technologies in railway environment. A comparative study of existing communication systems has identified the ZigBee technology as the most appropriate to design the communication between wagons and between wagon and infrastructure for the studied application. A comparison of different possibilities for positioning of ZigBee devices was carried out. Experimentations in presence of vehicles and containers have been realized. The impact of electromagnetic disturbances issued from rail power infrastructure and from surrounding RF transmitters, has been studied. Disturbances intentionally generated to damage the proposed system, have been also analyzed


– Thesis supervisor(s): Sylvie BARANOWSKI

– Referees: Catherine ALGANI, Mohamed HIMDI

– Examiners: Laila CHAKOUR, Bélahcène MAZARI, Ahmed RHIAT, Atika RIVENQ