Abstract :
Electrical Cell-substrate Impedance System (ECIS) and Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) are the method most widely used methods in the field of bio-sensors for the monitoring of the status of cell. On the contrary, the studies of bio-sensors for the monitoring with real time have not sufficiently developed.
In this work, temperature/impedance integrated sensor is manufactured using semiconductor process for the simultaneous monitoring of the temperature and impedance variations. Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR) value of temperature sensor is evaluated as 1982.91 ppm/℃, giving the temperature inaccuracy less than ±0.05 ℃ on the usual slide glass.
However, the sensitivity and response time of the temperature sensor is greatly improved by manufacturing the biosensors on 10 µm thick silicon membrane. The detailed thermal characteristics are analysed using Fick’s second law. HeLa cancer cells are grown on the temperature/impedance integrated biosensors and the drug reactions are monitored as a function of time. The impedance rapidly increase at the early stage and gradually decreased with time. The temperature variations are monitored at the early stage. The results are compared with the results by biological cell viability test on the conventional culture plates.