09h30 – IEMN Laboratoire Central – Salle du conseil
Campus Cité Scientifique – Villeneuve d’AscqAttocube company: Dr. Philipp LEUBNER and Dr. Florian OTTO
Neaspec company: Dr. Philip SCHAFER
In the first session, we will present a brief introduction to the company attocube and its core competences. We will introduce the attoDRY800, the world’s first cryostat directly integrated into an optical table. The system features fast turnover times, an automized, touchscreen-based temperature control from base temperature to room temperature and exceptionally low vibration levels. It can be equipped with a large variety of custom shrouds, which typically come with sets of attocube low-temperature nanopositioners and optional low-temperature compatible apochromatic objectives. The detailed shroud design can be chosen according to the customer’s application, such as single photon emission, fiber-based excitation of photonic ICs, probe-station experiments at GHz frequencies and many more.
In the second session, we will present the attoDRY2100, a low-vibration closed-cycle cryostat with a temperature range from 1.6K to 300K. The top-loading system features a large 2-inch sample space and can be equipped with different magnets, such as 9T solenoids or 9/1/1T vectors. A comprehensive portfolio of inserts is available to meet the customer’s experimental requirements. Optical experiments such as confocal microscopy (CFM), cryogenic RAMAN spectroscopy and cryogenic lithography of individual self-assembled quantum dots are just some examples. Low-temperature scanning probe experiments, such as magnetic-force microscopy (MFM), conducting tip atomic force microscopy (ct-AFM), piezoresponse-force microscopy (PFM) and scanning-Hall probe microscopy (SHPM) are possible due to the low vibration levels of the system. Finally we will present the atto Transport Measurement Solution, a new twist to ‘conventional’ magneto-transport experiments, based on a 3D-rotating sample and the powerful FPGA-based Specs/Nanonis transport measurement controller.
The last session will be dedicated to Neaspec company and several topics will be covered such as: nano-FTIR (chemical identification of materials on the 10nm-scale), THz-s-SNOM (contact-free determination of charge-carrier concentrations on the 10 nm-scale), TERS (& nano-PL), Cryo-s-SNOM as well as nanoscale photocurrent and ultrafast pump probe measurement.